Members of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation) community have a combined population of more than 600 million and a combined GDP of US$2.6 trillion. One of ASEAN’s top emerging exports is plastics and plastics products, which generated US$39.3 billion in exports sales in 2013.

- Rapid growth of Thailand’s plastic industry has seen its plastics production companies grow to 5,000-strong
- Plastics registered as Thailand’s top 5 exports to the rest of the world in 2015
- In recent years, Thailand has invested more than US$60 million in bioplastics development, and is fast becoming a world leader in the particular field
- The overall food delivery market in Thailand is slated for compound annual growth of 12.5% between 2015 and 2018, increasing the need for food and beverage plastics packaging notably
- Thailand has one of the largest e-commerce markets in Southeast Asia in 2015, generating revenues of US$2.1 billion, amassing a steep increase in the consumption of plastics for the packaging industry

- One of ASEAN’s foremost exporters of plastics, Malaysia houses over 1,500 plastics production companies
- Plastics sales reached over US$4.27 billion in 2013, while manufacturing of plastics continue to have a year on year growth

- With a population of more than 54 million, coupled with an abundance of natural resources, Myanmar is filled with plenty of investment opportunities
- As sanctions ease, Myanmar is enjoying an influx of fast-food outlets, prompting a significant increase in the consumption of plastics for food and beverage packaging

- The specialty chemical industry in Singapore is expected to grow to new heights, making plastics one of the many prospects for business investments
- By 2020, Singapore aims to more than triple e-commerce share in retail receipts, registering a healthy increase in the consumption for plastics for e-commerce packaging solutions

- There are currently more than 2,200 plastics companies operating in Vietnam with the number of domestic enterprises making up 85%
- By 2020, domestic plastics producers will need more than 5 million tonnes of raw material for manufacturing